
Personal Digital Archiving & Electronic Records


Acker, Amelia & Jed R. Brubaker. "Death, Memorialization, and Social Media: A Platform Perspective for Personal Archives." Archivaria 77 (Spring 2014): 1-23.


Becker, Devin & Collier Nogues, "Saving-Over, Over-Saving, and the Future Mess of Writers' Digital Archives: A Survey Report on the Personal Digital Archiving Practices of Emerging Writers." American Archivist 75.2 (Fall-Winter 2012): 482-513.


Bromley, Benjamin S., Roger Christman, & Susan Gray Eakin Page. "'I Really Can't Wait to Archive This Exchange': Exploring Processing as Appraisal in the Tim Kaine Email Project." Appraisal and Acquisition: Innovative Practices for Archives and Special Collections. Kate Theimer, ed. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015.


Chen, Anna. "Disorder: Vocabularies of Hoarding in Personal Digital Archiving Practices." Archivaria 78 (Fall 2014): 115-134.


Cunningham, Adrian.  “Waiting for the Ghost Train: Strategies for Managing Electronic Personal Records Before It Is Too Late.” Archival Issues: Journal of the Midwest Archives Conference 24.1 (1999):  55-64.


Eichhorn, Kate.  “Archival Genres: Gathering Texts and Reading Spaces.” Invisible Culture Issue 12: The Archive of the Future / The Future of the Archive (May 2008 )
Forstrom, Michael. "Managing Electronic Records in Manuscript Collections: A Case Study from the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library." American Archivist 72.2 (Fall/Winter 2009): 460-477.

Hartling, Florian, ed.  Archivierung von digitaler Literatur Probleme - Tendenzen - Perspektiven = Archiving Electronic Literature and Poetry.  Frankfurt, Main [u.a.] Lang, 2010.

Hawkins, Donald T., ed. Personal  Archiving:  Preserving  Our  Digital  Heritage. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2013.
Hyry, Tom & Rachel Onuf. "The personality of electronic records: the impact of new information technology on personal papers." Archival Issues 22:1 (1997): 37–44.

Kaye, Joseph (Jofish) et al. "To have and to hold: exploring the personal archive." CHI '06: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (New York : ACM, 2006) : 275-284


Langdon, John. "Describing the digital: the archival cataloguing of born-digital personal papers." Archives and Records 37.1 (2016): 37-52.


Lee, Christopher A., ed. I, Digital: Personal Collections in the Digital Era. Chicago : Society of American Archivists, 2011.


Lee, Hye-Eun, Hana Kim, and Jisu Lee. "Momentous moment: Rediscovering Korean history through digitizing private letters." IFLA Journal (2018) https://doi.org/10.1177/0340035218785198


LeFurgy, William. "Taking Preservation to the People: Educating the Public about Personal Digital Archiving." Outreach: Innovative Practices for Archives and Special Collections. Kate Theimer, ed. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.


Lindley, Siân,  Catherine C. Marshall, Richard Banks, Abigail Sellen, & Tim Regan, “Rethinking the web as a personal archiveProceedings of the 2013 international conference on World Wide Web (WWW 2013), (Rio de Janiero, Brazil, May 13–17, 2013).


Marshall, Brianna H., ed. The Complete Guide to Personal Digital Archiving. London: Facet Publishing, 2017.


Marshall, C.C., McCown, F., and Nelson, Michael L. Evaluating Personal Archiving Strategies for Internet-based Information. Proceedings of Archiving 2007. (Arlington, Virginia, May 21-24, 2007), Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Springfield, VA, 2007, pp. 151-156.


Marshall, C.C. From Writing and Analysis to the Repository: Taking the Scholars' Perspective on Scholarly Archiving. to appear in Proceedings of JCDL'08, June 16-20, 2008, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.


Marshall, C.C., Bly, S., and Brun-Cottan, F. The Long Term Fate of Our Personal Digital Belongings: Toward a Service Model for Personal Archives. Proceedings of Archiving 2006. (Ottawa, Canada, May 23-26, 2006), Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Springfield, VA, 2006, pp. 25-30.


Marshall, C.C. How People Manage Personal Information over a Lifetime. In Personal Information Management (Jones and Teevan, eds.), University of Washington Press, Seattle, Washington, 2007.


Marshall, C.C. Rethinking Personal Digital Archiving, Part 1: Four Challenges from the Field. DLib Magazine, 14, 3/4 (March/April 2008). <doi:10.1045/march2008-marshall-pt1>.

Marshall, C.C. Why a corpus-topics-relevance judgments framework isn’t enough: two simple retrieval challenges from the field. Invited paper at the SIGIR 2006 Workshop on Evaluating Exploratory Search Systems. Seattle, Washington, 10 August 2006.


McCown, F., Marshall, C.C., and Nelson, Michael L. Why Websites Are Lost (and How They're Sometimes Found). Communications of the ACM. to appear.


Paradigm Project.  Workbook on Digital Private Papers.  2005. 


Ramdeen, Sarah & Alex Poole. “'Leaving the mouse on the left is the new leaving the tape in the VCR': Personal Archiving, Personal Information, and the 'Pariah Industry' of Web Pornography.” Archival Research and Education: Selected Papers from the 2014 AERI Conference Richard J. Cox, Alison Langmead, & Eleanor Mattern, eds. Sacramento: Litwin Books, 2015.


Redwine, Gabriela. Personal Digital Archiving: DPC Technology Watch Report.  [Heslington, York]: Digital Preservation Coalition, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.7207/twr15-01 


Sinn, Donghee & SueYeon Syn. "Personal documentation on a social network site: Facebook, a collection of moments from your life?" Archival Science 14. 2. (2014): 95-124.


Sinna, Donghee, Sue Yeon Synb, & Sung-Min Kim.  "Personal records on the web: Who's in charge of archiving, Hotmail or archivists?"Library & Information Science Research 33.4 (October 2011): 320-330.


Taylor, Karyn. "From Paper to Cyberspace: Changing Communication Technologies and the Implications for Personal Records Archivists."  M.A. Thesis.  University of Manitoba, 2002.


Williams, Peter, Jeremy Leighton John, and Ian Rowland. "The Personal Curation of Digital Objects: A Lifecycle Approach." Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives 61.4 (2009): 340-363.